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New Book: The Page Turner

Red Rope of Fate is officially launched, and as I type this Princess Ahira is available for free. (Remember, you can get a free, extra chapter of Red Rope of Fate by reviewing it on Amazon and emailing your review to me. For more information scroll down to the next post or click here!) Released books and free stuff always makes me excited, but I’m dedicating today’s post to the next book I’ll be releasing, The Page Turner. (As usual, the title is pending.)

The Page Turner is a young adult urban fantasy novel, and it will probably be the last YA book I’ll be releasing for 2013.  It’s a heckova lot longer than the stories I’ve written (The Robyn Hood books were about 45,000 words each. The Page Turner is 105,000.) and is set in modern times. The official description is posted below.

This story is near and dear to my heart as a great deal of it takes place in a library. (For once my position as an official Library Creeper worked to my advantage!) I might not be able to release it as soon as I was originally planning, but stay tuned to hear more about The Page Turner.

The Page Turner

15-year-old Raven Wishmore is all that stands between a rare artifact and an organization of magic abusers. Her only hope is her magic—the ability to read things to life—which is so unnatural even her enemies are afraid of it.

When Raven’s father—a spy for Kingdom Quest, the secret society devoted to protecting magic and punishing magic abusers—is charged with finding a valuable artifact, Raven is coerced into joining the investigation. She goes undercover at the Saint Cloud Library, the supposed location at which the artifact—a cauldron—is being guarded.

Raven is expected to win over the part time staff of teenage boys and locate the cauldron. But Raven is no spy, and she struggles to maintain the ditzy, popularity obsessed persona she is forced to adopt.  Plus her feet are killing her from all the high heels.

Thanks to a security leak the magic abusers know the cauldron is at Saint Cloud, and they are waiting for Raven to find it for them. To make matters worse the library is ruled by a tyrant library director who has declared all book sections closed.

Throw in a set of mischievous twins who specialize in breaking and entering, combine it with Raven’s magic, and the library and cauldron are as good as saved. Too bad Raven is too terrified of her magic to use it.

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