Ta-da! All bright and shiny and THICK! You could do some serious smacking damage to whatever unintelligent soul tried to swipe these from you.
After a long wait, the paperbacks are finally out for Snow White, Curse of Magic, and Apprentice of Magic!
We’ve got them all synced up on Amazon, so you’ll now see them on their Amazon pages.
I think these might be some of my favorite books in paperback. The Snow White colors really pop, and it’s delightful to finally get to see the Fairy Tale Enchantress books in print as well! (It also makes me a bit worried as Reign is going to be so much longer. It’s going to be really thick. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there!)
I hope you find them worth the wait, Champions! (And as usual, I do include that book’s short stories in the back. 😀 )
I thought you Champions would enjoy this behind-the-scenes peek, as I had Perfect Dog outside with me while I was taking the picture. 😉