I’ve got some (hopefully) exciting news!
The Court of Midnight and Deception trilogy is now available in paperback–wohoo! As usual a big thanks to Meg for doing all the paperback formatting, and thank you to Covers by Christian for making the covers!
My second piece of paperback news is that the paperback versions of the Timeless Fairy Tale series are finally going to get covers that match the ebooks!
The paperbacks will be the same size, same page count, they’ll just have these new covers!
This is something a bunch of you have been requesting for a long time, and after enough gentle nudges from Meg I decided to give in and get matching covers. These new covers will be going up sometime in summer. (We’re going to throw a massive party to celebrate when Trial of Magic launches, which will include a big sale on the Timeless fairy tales ebooks. The covers will be up and ready to go by then!)
SO, if you want to complete your collection of the current covers, now is the time to buy! Or if you want to get the new covers, hold off on purchasing just a few more months!
That is all for this week. (I say that is all, but OHMYGOSH, Champions, changing covers for eleven books is such a pain!! A huge thanks to my cover artists (DDD) for struggling through this with me, and for Meg and all the formatting changes she’s been making!) Until next time, have a fabulous week, Champions, and enjoy the paperbacks!