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Personal Bad News — Don’t Worry, I’m Okay

I’ve got some unfortunate news to share with you today, Champions. I’ve been going through some minor health issues, which have ballooned into some larger health issues, and basically I’m going to have two (minor!) surgeries and a slew of dental procedures over the next few weeks.

I’m fine! None of this is life threatening. It is painful–I just got the first procedure done and I have a puffy gums and a bruised jaw–but it’s mostly annoying because of all the recovery time I need. Each procedure has several days recovery, and each surgery has about a week recovery, and the amount of surgeries/procedures my surgeon and dentist think I need keeps fluctuating. (So I might end up with three surgeries total, and only a couple dental procedures, or it might be just the two surgeries and several additional dental procedures on top of what is already planned.)

Basically, when I moved houses (Yaaay! We’re still celebrating that one!) I went to a new dentist who discovered I had a major infection that had eaten into the bone of my upper mouth. I’ll spare you guys the disgusting details, but basically this means I need all of these surgeries/procedures to get that cleaned out and to replace the bone. Yes, all of this was preventable and shouldn’t have been a problem considering I was regularly seeing a dentist for cleanings and checkups, but my previous dentist missed all of the warning signs. (Good thing I moved, huh?)

The extra bad thing about that is that this has been festering for somewhere between two to three years now, which is why I’m getting hit with all of this in a very short amount of time–they want to take care of it before it does more damage.

SO! What does this mean for our community?

There won’t be large change to the release schedule for Pip’s series since I was able to push through and really get those first two books done–I’m now prepping them for editing. At the latest, Pip’s first book will launch in January, but I’m still hoping for a late December release right now. However, this does mean that all of my other planned releases are currently on hold.

The other big thing you’ll notice is that I won’t be posting as much on social media for November, and my Christmas event is going to be scaled down. I’ll probably only have one book for free in December–though I do have some goodies I’ve been waiting to share AND Court of Midnight and Deception and Hall of Blood and Mercy will be on sale sometime in February or January, soooo let’s just count those as an Epiphany celebration or something. 😉

Myrrhlynn is helping me repost some of my NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) blogs–so you’re going to see some old content–and Vin has very graciously agreed to head some Champion NaNoWriMo events.

Honestly, having to scale back my plans for Christmas and Thanksgiving crushed me. I love holidays, and I love celebrating holidays with our community. Christmas is my absolute favorite, and I love making it into a huge deal. But I’m trying to keep a positive spin on this, which leads me to…

Thank you, Champions!

When I first found out about the infection and everything that was going to happen, I drove to a parking lot of a Home Goods store, and then proceeded to bawl my eyes out while sitting in my car.  I didn’t know how badly it was going to affect Pip’s trilogy, I didn’t know how I was going to cope with the changes it would force on my work schedule, and I was just plain scared.

I was in pure panic mode…until I started to remember when I broke the news to you all that Angelique book # 5 was going to be released in three years, and I remember how many of you told me that was okay, you would wait, and you very specifically told me you wanted me to focus on my health and make sure you I took care of myself. I can’t tell you how much relief I felt when I remembered that–it’s actually making me cry right now as I think about it just to write this blog post.

So, thank you, Champions, for your support. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate each and every single one of you. You make a huge difference in my life! Thank you for sticking with me through all the fun times–like Sheacon and book releases–and the not so fun times…like surgeries and recovery times. And finally, thanks for reading! 😉

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