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November 30, 2023 at 10:34 PM UTC

Just Can’t Wait!!! Also just an observation- Jade on the cover reminds me a lot of Scarlett Johanson’s Black Widow… has some inspiration for the cover actually come from her?


December 03, 2023 at 11:58 PM UTC

Exactly what I was thinking! Jade gives serious Black Widow vibes – even down to the red hair haha

Carmel Apple

November 30, 2023 at 05:03 AM UTC

squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the preorder is up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


November 30, 2023 at 03:52 AM UTC

I’m so excited for this series! Counting down the days!!!

Amy Parsons

November 30, 2023 at 02:46 AM UTC

The blog post for Vampires was a great quick summary. Thanks

Prepare for Magic on Main Street

Greetings, Champions, are you ready for Jade's trilogy, Magic on Main Street? I've been picturing the heroine + hero dynamics for this series for years and I'm excited for you to finally meet them in a few weeks. We've got the pre-order link--which you can see below--but since we still have time before The Lies of Vampires and Slayers launches on December 15th here's some ideas of what you might want to do to prepare during the wait!

Lies of Vampires and Slayers

Warning! The following blog post will have a few tiny spoilers--so if you're the kind of reader who prefers to go into a series totally blind, you might want to skip reading this post! Otherwise, read on!

Things to do:

  1. Join discord, or the Facebook Group: Already both groups are counting down until release day, but the big reason I suggest joining is for the talk that will explode in both groups after The Lies of Vampires and Slayers goes live!

  2. If you really want to go down rabbit holes with wild theories, or maybe book themed memes Discord is the place for you!

  3. If enjoy more casual chit chat and want to see what parts of book#1 everyone liked, and talk about your favorite characters, the Facebook Group is where you want to go!

  4. Also, this year I'll continue the tradition of posting a spoiler blog post for you blog post commenters to talk on, too! (The blog post will go live on release day.)

  5. Play a round of Old Maid and Go Fish with your friends or family. (I know this is a really weird thing to suggest, but trust me if you have recently played both these games (so you know the rules) it will be helpful!)

  6. Take the "Which Supernatural Are You" quiz! It hasn't received any updates since the previous series, Gate of Myth and Power, went live but if you don't remember what answer you got last time you better double check.

What to read:

  1. Hall of Blood & Mercy trilogy: In some ways this new series, Magic on Main Street, is almost a direct sequel to the Hall of Blood and Mercy series. Reading the Hall of Blood and Mercy trilogy before jumping into Magic on Main Street is not technically required, but it will be so much more enjoyable if you do (example: If you've read it recently, you'll be able to recognize all the Drakes who make appearances).

  2. The other Magiford trilogies: This new series takes place after the events of Court of Midnight and Deception and at the same time as Pack of Dawn and Destiny. I've hidden a lot of fun cameos so it would be helpful to re-read the other Magiford books before you start this series if you want to be able to spot all the cameos, but it won't impact anything important.

  3. The prequel short story: A Vampire Visit: In this story Killian introduces you to the main hero of Magic on Main Street, and you quickly learn a lot more important facts about Killian Drake!

  4. The Magiford Supernatural City worldbuilding info blog post for Vampires. (There isn't a blog post for Vampire Slayers - I don't know yet if I will have time to write one!)

Book Reading Fun:

Do you want to theme your reading time? Then I'd suggest having these things on hand...

  1. Your favorite smoothie. (Jade drinks a lot of smoothies - you'll find out why in the book!) Do you have a favorite flavor? I'd love for you to share it with me on social media after the launch!

  2. Ambience music: If you like having ambience sounds or music on in the background while you read, or maybe if you want to listen to ambience music ahead of time to prepare, I highly recommend this Youtube clip since Jade spends a lot more time in the city then the previous Magiford heroines.

Book Party Fun:

There will be some fun interactions on Discord and Facebook that you'll want to watch for!

  1. Discord: The moderators on Discord have created a special character appearance tracker so you can track all the Magiford character cameos. Can you spot them all? (I will share this on the website once the book releases!)

  2. Facebook: During the upcoming holiday season track down a favorite family recipe you don't mind sharing with the community. Bonus points if the recipe card is confusing and doesn't have all the instructions! Reminder that The Lies of Vampires and Slayers will launch on December 15th, so mark your calendars! Thanks for reading, Champions, and have a lovely week!

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