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Princess Ahira Updated

Princess Ahira has been re-edited and is ready to be re-released on Amazon at her new price of $2.99. I’m hoping to put her up early tonight. If you haven’t bought Princess Ahira yet and you want a cheaper (less edited) copy I suggest you snag one right now. Otherwise if you’re patient I will probably put Ahira up for free later this year/early next year.

I’m very pleased with all the edits I made. I think the story will be a smoother read, and I fixed a few minor characterization issues.

After this I’m returning my attention to Enchanted, book two of King Arthur and Her Knights. As editing Princess Ahira took longer than expected it’s pretty safe to bet that Enchanted sadly won’t be released until early October.

In other news I’m slowly being driven mad. While a few of the big name authors I like (Gail Carriger’s Etiquette and Espionage, Ally Carter’s Heist Society) have done a jolly good job of continuously producing new books some of my favorite books/series haven’t had any new books in years. (Cough, Tamora Pierce and Robin McKinley cough) I have patiently waited for Pegasus II for over THREE YEARS, and they still don’t have a publishing date! Pierce hasn’t been as bad as McKinley, but it feels like over the last few years she’s taken much longer to release books as well. These books are well worth the wait, but I would do a lot to have McKinley post even one blog about the progress of Pegasus II. (For those of you who haven’t read Pegasus, read it! It’s fantastic!)

That’s all for today, Champions. Hopefully I’ll have some more amusing news to share with you come Wednesday. Ta!

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