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Goodreads Reading Lists

Hello Champions, I have got news for you!

First of all, something fun. Book Nerd Paradise is running a “Favorites Giveaway”  and is giving away an Amazon gift card so readers can purchase a favorite book! I am extremely honored to say one of the favorites she mentioned happens to be Snow Queen: Heart of Ice, which is how I found out about it. (Thanks Ashley!) Click here to check out the giveaway and enter it! She has some other great books listed, so if you aren’t interested in the contest you can check out her recommendations.

Up next! I’ve been hankering to make some kind of list or reading group on Goodreads since I started connecting with you guys, because you, Champions, have the best book recommendations. I’m serious. You know my reading style better than the “You May Also Like” feature on Amazon. Because we all have such similar reading tastes, I thought it would be in our best interest to pool our resources and create lists of books we love. I polled my Facebook Champions for list ideas, and so far we have two: Clean Kindle Unlimited Reads, and Sweet and Clean Romances! Clean KU Reads went up last night, and Sweet and Clean Romances went live a few hours ago, and already I am in so much trouble because there are so many books I want to read.

Anyway, if you’re a Goodreads member please join in the fun and add to the lists! If you don’t have a Goodreads account you can still peruse the list, you just won’t be able to comment or add anything. I’ll be adding links somewhere in the website so you guys can find the lists easily. (I’ll make the announcement again when I find a home for the links.) I can’t wait to see everything you guys come up with!

I have started on my next fairy tale--the lake should be a partial giveaway as to what it is!

I have started on my next fairy tale–the lake should be a partial giveaway as to what it is.

And now for some writing news! As you might have guessed based on the photo, I have officially started writing Swan Lake–the next Timeless Fairy Tale that should pop out sometime this summer. Editor #2 is still diligently working away on SQ 2, but she’ll be getting it back to me sometime next week, so we are closing in on the release date for Snow Queen 2! (Yes, I’m still struggling to come up with a title.)

Finally, King Arthur fans, I have good news and I have bad news. Bad news first: you aren’t going to get three short King Arthur books to finish the series. The good news: You are going to get one full-length novel! Here’s what happened: I looked at the story lines I wanted to use for the last three books, and I realized if I split the story up it wouldn’t flow nicely like the previous short, episodic books. The last three story lines are too intertwined to make that work, so I decided to write a full-length King Arthurs novel instead so you would get the story in one awesome package. The added bad news is that you probably won’t see it until fall due to the writing I need to get done to stay on my editing schedule with Editors #1 and #2. Still, a full length novel about Britt and her boys! Woohoo!

That is it for today, Champions. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this update! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some amazing book recommendations to go try out…

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