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Raelene M

June 01, 2018 at 03:37 PM UTC

Hello Kitty. I’m ecstatic you are penning a red rope of fate sequel! It is by far my favourite world that you have created; funny, dramatic and charming in a way that many fantasy books aren’t nowdays. You have rekindled my love of reading and each new adventure brings a surge of joyful anticipation and wonder to the humdrum of daily life. July cannot come soon enough! It will be a ray of sun to warm the bleakness of midwinter (I live in Australia and it’s getting very cold now). Thank you for sharing your stories with us 😊 and may inspiration always strike you in unexpected ways.


June 01, 2018 at 02:22 PM UTC

-Screaming- Oh my goodness YES!
Weirdest part is that just the other day I was thinking about Red Rope of Fate and wondering if a sequel would ever be a thing! This is the best news ever! Also, so excited to have the Villian turn Hero story be the basis for this sequel!!!
Thank you for this bit of bright news Kitty!!! ❤


May 30, 2018 at 04:55 AM UTC

I am so excited! I love your books! I just have one rather random question. I just reread the Snow Queen books, and I was wondering if the blonde elf Ragnar summons is Tari??? 🙂


May 28, 2018 at 05:23 AM UTC

Eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Yayayayayay!!!
Red Rope of Fate was the first of your novels that I read, and the one that taught me to trust you as a writer (funny, joyful, exciting, CLEAN)!!! So excited for the sequel!


May 26, 2018 at 09:12 PM UTC

YES!!! !!! !!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was dying to find out more and then there was never a sequel. (I feel the same way about Princess Ahira, but that is a complaint for another time.)


May 25, 2018 at 07:50 AM UTC

I just saw this, but I’m so happy! Red Rope of Fate was the first of your books that I read, and is still my favorite. I wouldn’t have thought of Benjamir as a protagonist, but it’s a great idea. He’s not a true villain (very important). His behavior is underhanded and unkind, not to mention more than a little narcissistic, but he didn’t actually try to hurt anyone, and one can’t help but pity his hopeless love for the princess, who hasn’t a clue. Now he’s a prince in disgrace, shamed and heartbroken, just the ticket for a good reformation. The fact that he’s already gone to the trouble to learn Elvish also makes him an ideal candidate, since you can’t give all your couples mystical powers of communication.


May 24, 2018 at 01:13 AM UTC

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance*

And this means I have to go reread Red Rope so I can re-familiarize myself with these characters. Good for you tackling the villain-turned-hero. I would have no idea how to pull that off, but I have every confidence in your ability to make it awesome. 😀

Stefanie Nichols

May 23, 2018 at 10:15 PM UTC

I am super excited! I have been anxiously awaiting a book in this series and also the Life Reader series! Thank you!


May 23, 2018 at 07:17 PM UTC

I have been waiting ever since reading Red Rope of Fate (my favorite book) for Benjimir to get a book and am SO EXCITED!!!! I can’t wait to see more of him. Thank you for making my day! 🙂


May 23, 2018 at 02:30 PM UTC

I am realllllly excited to see Prince Benjimir in a new light.
Also the quote “You want to marry me, when you have just acknowledged you are aware I have feelings for your sister???” is terrrrrific!! I am literally burning with curiousity. Would love to see how you pull that off.
I really look forward to seeing Seer Ringali again and also King Petyrr and King Celrin(especially his reaction to Benji becoming his son in-law).


May 23, 2018 at 12:59 AM UTC

I’m super excited for this story!! No complaints here whatsoever about Benjimir being the hero, and I’m actually really impressed that you’re making Gwendafyn (as opposed to the crown princess) his love interest! I’m really looking forward to their story. 😀

Also, I have absolute faith in you, Kitty – and remember, not for nothing do you call us your Champions – we don’t want you to stress out about making Benjimir the hero or bringing back Arion and Tari or any of that stuff. 😀


May 23, 2018 at 12:57 AM UTC

I’m definitely most excited to see Thad, Wilford, and Grygg and Tari!!!


May 22, 2018 at 09:27 PM UTC

Yes, yes, yes!!! I always felt that Benjimir was being such a drama king over the whole situation, but he didn’t deserve the exile. Words cannot explain how much I’ve wanted this!!! I never would have believed you would do this. OMG!! And more Tari and Arion!!<3 <3 <3


May 22, 2018 at 08:45 PM UTC

Ahhhhhh! *begins jumping up and down* I can’t believe it! I’ve been hoping you’d write a sequel since I read Red Rope of Fate last year. I loved it! I can’t wait for the sequel! Thanks, Kitty!


May 22, 2018 at 12:42 PM UTC

Aghh! Yess! Finally! I am so excited for this! I can finally have something to read this summer, or at least at the time it comes out. Thanks, Kitty, for all the hard work and effort you put into all of this! 🙂


May 22, 2018 at 05:32 PM UTC

😀 I’m happy that you’re happy about it! 😉 But in all seriousness, I do hope you enjoy the sequel. I’ve had so much fun writing it, but at the same time I’m a little leery because I’m bringing Tari and Arion back as secondary characters and they’re so beloved and… long story short, hopefully everyone will enjoy it! Ahahah…


May 22, 2018 at 08:44 AM UTC

This is exciting! I’m going to have to reread Red Rope since it’s been awhile! Looking forward to seeing Arino again.


May 22, 2018 at 05:33 PM UTC

Yes, I had a blast bringing back all the secondary characters, too! It’s been fun to be able to build on everything Red Rope laid as the foundation.


May 21, 2018 at 11:17 PM UTC

Yay!! I’m so excited for a sequel!!!! I love how in the first book you added in some of Arion’s point of view. I gotta say, I didn’t really like Benjimir in the first book, but I have faith you’ll make him likeable! You write such wonderful books!


May 22, 2018 at 05:38 PM UTC

I’ve done the same thing with this sequel, so a few of the scenes are from dear ol’ “Benji’s” point of view. Those scenes are usually really fun to write because Benjimir’s personality. 😉

But I am a bit nervous about trying to redeem him. Hopefully I can pull it off!


May 21, 2018 at 10:18 PM UTC

The twisted rope of fate 😉
I can’t wait to here what you come up with.


May 22, 2018 at 05:44 PM UTC

Thank you! 😀 It’s been so much fun returning to their world–and bringing back the secondary characters! <3 I really hope you guys enjoy reading it when it's finished!


May 21, 2018 at 10:11 PM UTC

I’ve always wanted to know what happened to Benjimir and Gwendafyn!!! (I had low-key shipped them when I had first read Red Rope of Fate.)
So excited!!! XDDD


May 22, 2018 at 05:46 PM UTC

That’s so great to hear–and I hope you enjoy the story! (I’m freaking out a bit about trying to redeem Benjimir, but I’m mostly worried about having Tari and Arion as secondary characters and doing them justice….)


May 28, 2018 at 05:28 AM UTC

You’ve managed to pull off past main-characters as secondary characters (or Other) characters in your Timeless Fairytales books – actually, it’s one of the things you do pretty well! I think you’ll do fine with Tari and Arion!

Kim Gregory

May 21, 2018 at 09:25 PM UTC

I loved Red Rope of Fate and am so excited you are doing a sequel. I am going to have to read Red Rope again to reacquaint myself with everyone! I so appreciate you sharing your gift with us!


May 22, 2018 at 05:55 PM UTC

Aww, thanks for reading! 🙂 And yes, I went out of my way to bring back eeevvveeerrryyyooonneee from Red Rope, so you will hopefully enjoy it more after a re-read! (Even Wizard Edvin comes back for a scene!)


May 21, 2018 at 08:50 PM UTC

A sequel. So happy. Makes me smile. So excited! I just read it again—can’t even remember how many times.

Reading Fairy Tales again too. Would like to see Stil and “Fred” in action.

I couldn’t get a clear close up on the map. That would be good to see. Your descriptions are very clear so I can picture countries next to each other, but not how they fit altogether.


May 22, 2018 at 05:57 PM UTC

I’m so glad you’re excited about the sequel! 😀 Hopefully it can do the first one justice–it’s a rather different story given Benjimir’s somewhat twisted personality and Gwendafyn’s more wild temperament, but they are fun together!


May 21, 2018 at 07:28 PM UTC

Oh, I love you much!!! You r just made my summer!!


May 21, 2018 at 07:30 PM UTC

Woohoo, glad I could have that kind of an impact! 😉

(And I really hope the story makes you laugh when it is released!!)


May 21, 2018 at 07:28 PM UTC

Yes!!! I’m so excited! This brightened my day!


May 21, 2018 at 07:29 PM UTC

I’m glad to hear that! 😀 I hope you enjoy it when it comes out!

Raquel Avila

May 21, 2018 at 07:22 PM UTC

It seemed to me that Arion and Tari did not start to understand each other well until close to the end, so hearing more about them is something I look forward to. The snow cat will be a great bonus.


May 21, 2018 at 07:28 PM UTC

Yes, I will admit I stalked–I mean OBSERVED–my married friends a lot before I dared to write this story.

There’s a few series I’ve read where I fall in love with the main two characters who get married and have kids and the series picks up with the kids…and often it paints the original protagonists in a more negative light. I haaaaaaate that. (It’s like saying once you’re married you can’t have any more adventures or something! PAH!) So even though this story only takes place a few years after Red Rope, I still wanted to be very careful to make their relationship realistic and still fun.

Antonia Mae

May 21, 2018 at 07:20 PM UTC

Oh My Goodness! Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me! Kitty I love all of your books, every last one, but Red Rope of Fate is by far my most reread of your books. Often my family will ask what I’m reading and I tell them it’s that one, and they seem perplexed that I read it so many times over again. But the world you’ve created with it touched my heart very much, and without going on and risk sounding like the blubbering admirer that I am, I will say I’m quite excited for the new book, and getting to see more of the Elves of Lessa (*^o^*)


May 21, 2018 at 07:25 PM UTC

I’m glad you like it that much! It’s a very special book to me. It was my first true effort to write a fantasy romance since I wrote it even before the Timeless Fairy tales. And I really love the characters in this story–they’re all so much fun!
Keeping that in mind, I do feel like this unnamed sequel has some big shoes to fill, so here’s hoping that it’s just as fun as the first one! 😉

Es Irene

May 21, 2018 at 06:56 PM UTC



May 21, 2018 at 07:07 PM UTC

Hahah, I’m glad to hear that! 😀

I forgot to mention it in the post, but the snow cat Arion gives Tari as a wedding gift is also in the story. <3

Es Irene

May 30, 2018 at 01:17 AM UTC

Yes! I loved that imagery in the book. Beautiful and dangerous. Arion is probably my favorite hero, and part of it is the way he sees Tari. The way he speaks and thinks of her.

Red Rope of Fate Sequel

Depending on if you follow me on other social media platforms, you may–or may not–be aware that I am currently working on a sequel to Red Rope of Fate. (Woohoo!) It doesn’t have a title yet–I can’t tell you, Champions, how much I hate coming up with titles–but I’m already over halfway through writing it!

The story takes place approximately three years after Red Rope of Fate, and the protagonists are two character’s you’ve already met. (Or at least briefly seen.) Prince Benjimir of Calnor, and the elven Princess Gwendafyn of Lessa. Kitty, you might be thinking, Benjimir was a VILLAIN in the previous book! How can he be a protagonist? Champions…I give you the most wanted archtype you voted: Villain turned hero.

This book has been a real blessing for me. Writing The Revived (Book three in my Second Age of Retha series) mentally bankrupted me because it turned out to be so long and massive. This sequel, however, is much lighter and fluffier–which is something I haven’t been able to write in ages as the Timeless Fairy Tales are really ramping up in terms of tension and complexity. (No complaints here–I love that sort of thing–but it does get tiring to write after a while because I spend so much of myself completing the stories.)

I’m hoping to finish it (it being the as-of-yet-untitled-sequel) and get it edited in time for a mid July release. I do hope you guys like it. Gwendafyn and Benjimir are a much more sarcastic/jaded couple than Tari and Arion, but they have some of the cutest interactions too.  (And yes, you get to see quite a bit of Tari and Arion in the story. And Thad, Wilford, and Grygg. And Seer Ringali. And King Petyrr. Basically, EVERYONE IS BACK!!)

That is all for today, Champions! I hope you have a lovely week, and I would like to leave you with an important question: which character(s) are you most excited to see again?

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