Rumpelstiltskin is available for pre-order–click here to see it! It took much longer than I would have thought to prep it for pre-order. The fabulous Editor sent a corrected copy of Rumpelstiltskin (I need to figure out a way to shorten that title without using the word ‘Rump.’) to me on Thursday. It took me Thursday and Friday to correct it, and I spent Saturday jumping through hoops to prep it for pre-order. That, however, is over! It’s up now, and all that is left is to wait for its official release!
I’m penning my usual The Original Fairy Tale/Behind the Fairy Tale posts. I’m particularly delighted with the changes I made to this story, and I’m anxious to see what you all think of it. In the meantime, any Champion who can come up with a shortened version of Rumpelstiltskin will have my gratitude. Share your shortened versions in the comments below, please! Until Thursday, enjoy your week, Champions!