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January 23, 2022 at 05:09 AM UTC

I found where easton show up in hunted. it’s on page 299


January 23, 2022 at 05:30 AM UTC

I saw that when I reread also. I do hope he doesn’t become background in book 3.


January 21, 2022 at 12:55 AM UTC

So I know you don’t really worry about pronunciation, but I can’t help but wonder how to say “Sabre.” It totally reminds me of the episode of the office where they’re welcoming the new boss and made a song to rhyme to Sabre as “Sah-bray,” only to find out it’s pronounced “Say-ber.”

So, any thoughts on this one? Sah-bray? Say-ber?


January 21, 2022 at 11:17 AM UTC

Say-ber! Like the weapon. It suits Pip’s hunter heritage.


January 19, 2022 at 01:44 PM UTC

This was so friggin cute! Gah, the last few sentences in particular—I was grinning like an idiot and felt like I was going to explode from the sweetness. Thank you so much Kitty! It’s just what I needed and hit the spot. What an adorable short story! <3

Crystal R Bussell

January 18, 2022 at 07:29 AM UTC

Thank you!!!!! I loved the short.


January 17, 2022 at 07:01 PM UTC

Loved this short! It also helped to explain life with wolves from the human perspective. Also, can I just add, I love that you have a heroine who loves hot chocolate! This goes straight to my heart as I LOVE a good cup of hot chocolate. So thank you for. It leaving us chocolate lovers out in the cold. 😘🌬


January 17, 2022 at 10:05 AM UTC

Thank you for the short. I think it does soften the cliff-hanger a bit at the end of the book, and it’s nice to see the adjustments from the perspective of a brand new wolf. Especially, since all the other characters have been wolves long enough that they don’t really think about the impact being a wolf makes on their day-to-day lives any more.

Now we just need book 3! Can’t wait! 😁


January 19, 2022 at 08:53 AM UTC

i so can not what i stay up late just thinking about what’s going to happen

Sabrina Nelson

January 17, 2022 at 02:37 AM UTC

Thanks for the short story from Easton’s perspective. I was wondering how he was accepting the changes of being a werewolf and you just answered that. Thanks!


January 17, 2022 at 01:30 AM UTC

Loved it!!!!!! This book was so awesome! How does Ms. Kitty keep getting better?!?

Short Story: A Lawful Werewolf

Once again you Champions have blown me away with the support you’ve shown Pip’s book 2, United! This book had some heavy moments (since the werewolf change process is not a sunshine and rainbows type of situation) but I’m happy to hear that there were still scenes that made many of you laugh out loud. And how about that cliffhanger? 🙂

Pack of Dawn and Destiny United

Hunted has over 100 reviews–again across Goodreads and the Amazon stores. A big thank you to you Champions for leaving honest and really great reviews–I think think this book was one of the fastest to reach the 100 threshold and that’s even with many of you reporting that Amazon wasn’t immediately showing your review.

To celebrate United‘s release, I’ve got a free short story! Important: It contains SO MANY spoilers for United! Do not read if you haven’t had a chance to read book 2 yet. Seriously, even if you read Hunted you should wait on this one, because it stars a character who has a big role in United.

Short Story: A Lawful Werewolf: Click here for the short story!

P.S. The character in this short also makes a very quick appearance in a scene in book 1, Hunted. Did you see it?!?

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