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Lorien E Cord

April 18, 2024 at 11:41 PM UTC

I too love the idea of a true time line readathon! It’s been interesting picking out the cameos in each book.


April 18, 2024 at 07:01 PM UTC

I would love an additional bonus story of Cos and Jade going on a date. In the first two books, it showed them going out places and enjoying experiences together. It would be nice to get a sweet slice of life date after they are officially together. ❤️


April 19, 2024 at 02:54 AM UTC

That would be a good idea! I’d like to see them all out on dates with their respective beaus. Bonus if the Paragon crashes Hazel and Killian’s date!


April 19, 2024 at 03:41 AM UTC

Omg! I can totally imagine the Paragon doing that! Lol! That’s hilarious! 😂

minna Nathanial swann

April 19, 2024 at 05:19 PM UTC

Ooo… he’d be the PERFECT link between stories! (So it’s not quite as convoluted 😅)

Minna Swann

April 13, 2024 at 01:30 AM UTC

Ok… I’ve come to a conclusion, and it may be fully insane… I want a chronological mash-up/ amalgam of the magiford books! 😅 like the first few stand pretty much alone but so many of the more recent ones overlap timeline wise. Is it just me or would it be super fun (as long as you’ve already read them individually) to jump between all the characters and read everyone’s story mashed up chronologically! I know, probably a logistical nightmare, but hey… a girl can dream. 🤣😬


April 18, 2024 at 08:52 PM UTC

I make a motion to support this idea!

Debbie Bellum

April 18, 2024 at 05:23 PM UTC

This is exactly what I was thinking. I want to know where the elves are in relation to the “elf weapon,” etc!

anonymous ;)

April 16, 2024 at 07:26 PM UTC

OOOOOOHHHHHHHH That would be amazing!!!!!!! Wow!!!


April 10, 2024 at 08:48 AM UTC

Oh, I loved this short story! I always feel like Elite Bellus needs a hug after these meetings. Thank you, Kitty, for writing such fun and witty characters!


April 08, 2024 at 01:28 PM UTC

Wow! This really made me laugh – one of the funniest short stories ever!!! 🤣. I enjoyed seeing how everyone we’ve read in all the trilogies are included in the committee and how they interact with one another (it’s definitely not how it was previously before all these people changed the way supernaturals interacted). Their antics are amusing. Thanks Kitty, this short story was amazing!!!


April 08, 2024 at 04:22 AM UTC

I have been waiting for you to post a short story! Finished the book on Friday and already hungry for the next one!!


April 08, 2024 at 01:21 AM UTC

Love these short stories so much!

Mary Miller

April 07, 2024 at 10:28 PM UTC

I loved the short story as much as the trilogy. The committee meetings are hilarious and full of chaos. Poor Elite, no matter how hard he tries, he can’t control this group.


April 07, 2024 at 04:21 PM UTC

Honestly, Leila should look into selling tickets to watch those committee meetings. With a popcorn stand to save visitors sneaking it in. I’d be front row, centre 🤣

Midnight Rations

April 07, 2024 at 07:50 AM UTC

Loved it!!! Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us!! It was a wish come true to get Leila, Considine, and Aristide in the same room!! I can’t wait for your next piece of work!!! (whether it’s a short story, book, character interview, or anything else)


April 07, 2024 at 06:45 AM UTC

Excellent comedic chaotic committee meeting!😂❤️😂❤️😂


April 07, 2024 at 05:57 AM UTC

So good. Never stop writing

Janice Caggiano

April 07, 2024 at 05:07 AM UTC


Short Story: Committee Chaos

The book reviews have been pouring in on Goodreads and Amazon which means it is time for a bonus short story! The Order of Blood and Ruin is now out, which means the Magic on Main Street trilogy is now complete, and there has been a corresponding tidal wave of reviews and ratings! Since this book is quite a bit longer than the previous books in the series I thought it would take longer to reach the 100 threshold on Goodreads + Amazon but once again I'm surprised every time by how quickly the Champions can rally to reach a goal. 🙂 As I am posting this there are already more than 70+ Goodreads reviews! Thank you so much for the crazy number of reviews and ratings you have left and thank you so much for the support you have given this series. I've had the basic plot idea for this series for a long time and it's the most awesome feeling as an author to watch readers enjoy the story that has been living rent free in my head for years! (I have a blog post coming later this month sharing more about the inspiration behind this series.) To express my thanks, here is the bonus short story: Committee Chaos. (It has some spoilers, but nothing major related to the plot of book #3.)

Short Story Image Committee Chaos

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