Hello Champions! Thank you so much for your patience while you continue to wait for the final book in the Gate of Myth and Power series. When I picked the release date for book 3 I thought I was being generous, but I’m still working furiously on everything and it’s going to be down to the absolute wire to get it ready for you!
While you wait I thought this was a great time to give you a gift! Technically this is a re-gift because I gave this short story away as a thank you to each Champion who filled out my Reader Survey in 2022, but I decided now is a good time to re-share it with everyone!
This short story utilizes the “letters” format which I’ve done this before with a few others like Between a Queen and Her Colonel and Notes on Elves. Those were a little different since they were actual “letters” and this short story is “emails”. Another big difference is this Magiford short story has more participants so it is much more chaotic then any of the other short stories I’ve written in this style.
What was your favorite part of this short story? Have you ever had an email exchange similar to this chaotic mess with your friends or co-workers?