Snow White has launched, marking the last book of this branch of the Timeless Fairy Tale series! As those who read the sample chapter know, the conflict with the Chosen will end in Angelique’s series–The Fairy Tale Enchantress. (Book 1, Apprentice of Magic, will be available in February!)
I want to give a big thank you to the love and support you Champions have shown for Snow White! To show my appreciation, here is the first extra I wrote for Snow White: A Mother’s Responsibility. It’s a short story from Queen Faina’s point-of-view!
For those of you who are unaware, I really appreciate honest reviews on my books! They give me feedback which is really useful, of course, but they also help future readers decide if a book is right for them or not. So as my thank you for reviews, and to celebrate a new book, I always release a couple extras! The next extra is from the viewpoint of the lords in Snow White’s cabinet–I plan to release it when Snow White gets about 75ish reviews–counting those on both Amazon and Goodreads!
But with Snow White’s end, a lot of questions have been raised about Angelique’s series, so I thought I would take a moment to cover what you can expect to see. For starters, Angelique’s series will have six books.
The first novel–Apprentice of Magic–will cover her time as an apprentice with Lord Enchanter Evariste. The following three books will follow her adventures as she runs from fairy tale to fairy tale–so for those of you who wanted to see her time with Quinn, Elle, and some of the other heroines you will LOVE these books! Since it is Angelique’s story I can unpack her interactions with others, something I wasn’t free to do in books like Snow White and Frog Prince, when the main characters have their own story that has the center stage. The final two books will cover the clash with the Chosen, and that's all I'm going to reveal for now!
Thanks for reading, Champions, I hope you enjoy the extra! In the next post we get to unpack the original Snow White tale…and I can’t WAIT! Buwahahahah…