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July 03, 2018 at 05:41 PM UTC

Mwahaha! Download worked! I know what I’m doing this afternoon!


July 03, 2018 at 05:55 PM UTC

🙂 I hope you enjoyed it!


July 02, 2018 at 02:04 AM UTC

Hi. Looking at the Reading Event page gives me an opening for a question I’ve been meaning to ask for a while. I’m not from the US, and I’m not actually sure what clean means in this context, though of course I’ve gathered it indicates suitable for all ages. Is it referring only to less explicit, less violent content, or is there something more required? (Your books always have the characters learning something as well as a romantic plot, for example)? I’ve seen it used more and more in book reviews so I though I should check.


July 02, 2018 at 02:13 AM UTC

Yep, you guessed it correctly, “clean” books usually just mean its less explicit and usually less violent and contain few to no swearing. (In most contexts it’s referring to the romantic relationship between the protagonists and how explicit their relationship is.)

A good way to describe it is to use the American movie rating system, in which they would be labeled as PG–though some may be PG13 in terms of violence or swearing. (So Lord of the Rings is rated PG13 due to violence–not the romance–and thus would still be considered “clean.”)


July 01, 2018 at 05:00 PM UTC

Awesomesauce! Thank you for this, Kitty! I love books, and particularly love how many of them I can read during the summer. These books all look/sound great!
P.S. Thank you thank you thank you for writing a Red Rope of Fate sequel. I’ve wanted one of those since I first started reading your books.


July 02, 2018 at 02:15 AM UTC

You’re welcome! I’m glad you are excited about the event! 🙂 (And the sequel! Royal Magic was so fun to write.)


July 02, 2018 at 05:41 AM UTC

Omg omg omg is that the title?!!


July 01, 2018 at 10:55 AM UTC

Dear Kitty,

I love the Summer Reading Event you came up with. I really love your books.

FYI: It seems there has been a mistake with your giveaways. If you download “The Princess and the Pea” you get “A Twisted Tale” instead.

I am looking forward to your next books:)



July 02, 2018 at 05:20 AM UTC

Hi Janet and Lyn,
Sorry for the mixup with the Princess and the Pea novella! I wanted to let you know that the issue is fixed and you should now be able to download the correct story.

Here’s the link to the download page:

I had a lot of run writing The Princess and the Pea so I hope you enjoy reading it!


July 01, 2018 at 02:33 PM UTC

Yeah, I had the same problem… but I really like this event! I’m looking forward to reading all your book recs! But I did manage to read the synopsis, and I saw it was set in Torrens! And that’s where Angelique and Evariste live! I’m looking forward to any hidden references!(hopefully)
Thank you!


July 01, 2018 at 09:52 AM UTC

I’m so excited by this, I downloaded the princess and the pea this morning! (But when I opened it, I found that I had a twisted tale instead…)


July 02, 2018 at 05:20 AM UTC

Hi Kahlta
Sorry for the mixup with the Princess and the Pea novella! I wanted to let you know that the issue is fixed and you should now be able to download the correct story.

Here’s the link to the download page:

I had a lot of run writing The Princess and the Pea so I hope you enjoy reading it!


June 29, 2018 at 10:10 PM UTC



June 29, 2018 at 09:28 PM UTC

I’m so glad you wrote a princess and the pea story. It is one of my favorite stories.


June 29, 2018 at 10:35 PM UTC

It was so fun! And it also really made me stretch as an author–the original story is approximately ten paragraphs which is really short, even for a fairy tale!


June 29, 2018 at 08:01 PM UTC

*excited, wordless screaming*


June 29, 2018 at 09:21 PM UTC

Hahah, glad you are so excited! 😉


June 29, 2018 at 08:11 PM UTC

Yes! Cannot wait. So excited!

Summer Reading Event!

Champions! Thank you for joining me today as I announce what I (and my editors, cover artist, and Rock-Star-Assistant-Meg) have been working on for weeks! This summer, starting July 1st and ending August 31st, I’m holding a Summer Reading Event!

Each week I’ll recommend three or four new books for you to check out. Lots of them are in KU, some of them are free, and all of them are good! Tons of authors have agreed to be a part of this program, and I can’t wait to introduce you to their books. But that’s not all! There will also be weekly giveaways, free short stories, youtube videos, facebook live events, and more! (Some of the giveaway prizes are: paperback copies of my books, a few audio book copies of Red Rope of Fate, and ebooks for some of the featured stories from other authors!)

The biggest gift I’m giving to you as part of this event, however, is *drum roll please* a Free Prequel novella for the Timeless Fairy Tale series: The Princess and The Pea. (Available in July!)

Fun fact: the character on this cover actually isn’t the main character (Lis) but her friend, Vorah!

While the fun doesn’t start until Sunday/Monday, you can get a glimpse of what’s going on the event page. Once the event starts, you can go directly to its page under the “For Champions” section of the website. (As you can tell by the images, Rock Star Meg and Coverartist Myrrhlynn got together and popped a few of my already available short stories into a Kindle format so through out the summer you’ll be able to download them to your kindle/reading device in a proper and pretty format now instead of having to read them on my website!)

I’m so excited about this event–I wanted to do something fun for us all and to have it serve as a thank you to all of you, Champions. 🙂 I’m so blessed to have you in this with me, and I really hope you enjoy this. (Myrrhlynn and I have been working on this for months!) Feel free to share the page and spread the news around once the event starts. We should have something for everyone! (As a side note: The recommended books are clean, but some contain swear words and others are a little heavier on the violence, so you’ll still want to check the reviews to make certain it’s something you’re comfortable with.)

I’m also excited because this event makes my inner librarian gleeful. (I’ve worked in libraries for a number of years through volunteering, serving as a library page, and working as a circulation staff member.) Every year libraries make big pushes for children’s’ summer reading programs, and while sometime libraries have adult programs they usually aren’t nearly as cool, so here’s to us adults! 😉

So until Sunday/Monday, hold on to your hats, folks! We’re about to have a fun-filled, book-stuffed summer!

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