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Lily White

September 20, 2017 at 03:15 AM UTC

Hi, Kitty-First of all, I loved reading the except from your upcoming book! I can’t wait to read the whole book!!!! I hope that the reader’s survey helps you, but I was a bit upset (as I am a mere 42 years young) that the age group I had to click was from 41 to 65. Ouch! I’m sure you didn’t mean to offend, but you might want to consider making the age groups a little smaller in the future.
I saw you post the other week that Life Reader is your lowest selling book. What a SHAME!!!! I have read that book several times, and it was the first of your books that I gave my 13 year old daughter to read-and she loved it too! I wish there was some way to advertise Life Reader, because it is such a good book: a great world, fun characters, innovative action, great descriptions, and quotes from famous books! I hope more people discover this fun book and that someday you can continue Raven’s story.
Well, keep up the good work and I will happily keep reading your books, and sharing them with my teenage daughter. And truthfully, I would pay more than you ask for your books. There are some ebooks I pay $10 for that aren’t half as good as yours. Thanks for your hard work and imagination!


October 03, 2017 at 10:38 PM UTC

Thanks Lily for the feedback!
I was actually trying to keep the age brackets reaaallly vague because I didn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable, so it’s good to know that’s not the only thing to be aware of! 😉
I’m very honored to hear you enjoy Life Reader so much! It is my secret favorite–I worked in a library for a number of years so I’m naturally partial to it’s setting–and I really DO want to work on a sequel one day!
Once the current Timeless Fairy Tale arc is finished up, I think it will be much easier for me to work on side projects like that. (I’ll still be writing fairy tales, but it will be more like the Snow Queen where I’ll focus on one fairy tale for 2-3 books, which is actually a lot easier for me to write!)
Thanks for the sweet and encouraging message!

Lily White

October 04, 2017 at 02:57 AM UTC

I hope you would consider doing the story of Snow White and Rose Red. I’ve never seen a novel about the sisters, and I think you could do a great job with the story!


October 09, 2017 at 03:40 AM UTC

Lily,* I’ve really enjoyed K. M. Shea’s Timeless Fairy Tales (dear author, my favorites are Cinderella, Rumpelstiltskin, and the Snow Queen) and am looking forward to the upcoming books.
*For Snow White and Rose Red, I’d recommend Patricia C. Wrede’s novel-length retelling with that very title (like Shea’s work, it’s a “clean romance”).


September 20, 2017 at 05:04 AM UTC

I agree with Lilly that Life Reader is your lowest selling book is a shame! I am a huge fan of Life Reader and would love to see Raven’s sequel! 🙂


September 18, 2017 at 08:26 PM UTC

Desperate Quest is Amazing!! I can’t wait until the rest of the series is out! I definitely think this series is becoming my favorite. I took the survey as well and I liked the beginning of Frog Prince. I can’t wait to see this one plays out with Lucien.


October 03, 2017 at 10:31 PM UTC

I’m glad you like Desperate Quest so much! It has been a fun series to write–and a nice change of pace from my fairy tales. (It actually is a bit like my MBRC series in that it makes fun of beloved genre cliches, only the MBRC series pokes fun of paranormal romance, but the Retha series pokes fun of Epic Fantasy.)


September 16, 2017 at 02:07 PM UTC

I think I can safely tick Second age of Retha as my favourite series, I don’t think spring will come too soon. Usually, I have to read a book at least three times to mark it as a favourite read, so I haven’t marked the box with Retha series in the survey because of this mere technicality. Please add one extra vote from me for Retha books when you get your numbers because one vote is totally missing, sorry for the hassle.
And thank you for the first chapter from your next book, I just can’t wait to read it. I have a seriously soft spot for the Frog Prince fairytale and I love main characters Ariane and Lucien already.


October 03, 2017 at 10:28 PM UTC

I’m glad you enjoyed the Second Age of Retha series so much! 🙂 It’s been a lot of fun for me to write because it has given me the chance to tackle a lot of cliches from the fantasy genre in a fun loving manner.
And I hope Lucien and Ariane don’t let you down! They’re a lot of fun when they are together, and having the story set during the Summit–which I’ve mentioned in other books–made it a bit harder to coordinate/write, but hopefully it will be worth it!


September 15, 2017 at 08:29 PM UTC

I read Desperate Quest. I loved it! I can’t believe I have to wait till spring for the next one…I just wanted to know Solus’s reaction! (Please tell me ‘spring’ means something like February. That’s spring in Florida, right? So can’t that count? 😉


October 03, 2017 at 10:23 PM UTC

Hahaha, sadly no, the third book of the Retha series probably won’t be out until late march/early April. I am going to go for the same one-two punch combo, though, so as soon as I finish book 3 I’ll dive straight into book 4, so it won’t be too long of a wait for the final book of the series. 😉


September 14, 2017 at 08:27 PM UTC

The secondary characters pool was very fun, and the survey was a gladly done service to you, BUT the most important thing was the sample! I was waiting Lucien’s story since I first read B&B and now I’m SO HAPPY!!!! Thank you so much (aptly chosen tale, if I may xD) and I can’t wait to read it whole!! I’ll be fervently waiting <3


September 15, 2017 at 03:54 AM UTC

Thanks for taking the survey! I’m glad you liked the sample–it’s been a fun book to write! In addition to being set in a country we’ve already “seen,” the Summit brings back sooooo many old faces. (It’s been good practice for when I tie everything up with Angelique’s books!)
But yes, I’m glad you approve! 😀

Es Irene

September 14, 2017 at 06:35 PM UTC

Yeeeeaaass! Desperate Quest is out! Super excited, and I can’t wait to read it!
Also, that chapter was fabulous! I can’t wait for the whole book😁


September 15, 2017 at 03:52 AM UTC

I hope you enjoy Desperate Quest! 😀
And I’m over halfway through writing the book now–it’s been a looooot of fun to torture the prince, buwahah!


September 14, 2017 at 05:58 PM UTC

Yay, Cagney and Dooley! Also, I finished the Desperate Quest!! It was amazing. I absolutely love the Chronicles of Retha, and Kit is one of my favorite protagonists. I can’t wait for the next book! 🙂


September 14, 2017 at 05:58 PM UTC

Yay, Cagney and Dooley! Also, I finished the Desperate Quest!! It was amazing. I absolutely love the Chronicles of Retha, and Kit is one of my favorite protagonists. I can’t wait for the next book!


September 15, 2017 at 03:51 AM UTC

I’m glad you liked it! 🙂 I had a lot of fun writing it–especially the scene where she gets her poison skill, buwahaha! But thanks for reading it!


September 14, 2017 at 08:17 AM UTC

Hi Kitty!

I’ve enjoyed all of your books so far, and I’ve done the survey as well. Thank you for the sneak peek chapter of the frog prince! It is one of my favorite classic fairy tales, if only because it’s simplistic enough to allow other writers plenty of room for their own interpretation of the tale. After reading that chapter, I’m now very curious to find out if you’re really going to change the original narrative of the story in as far as who sets the curse on the prince in motion. True, in one of the original versions, the prince does not explain how his curse came about, and his cure is not a kiss, so much as forcing a bratty princess to endure an evening with him. Also, well the maid fulfill the role of the princess In the spell breaker? In any case, I’m intrigued!

I know it was a rough draft, so typos are to be expected, but at one point you accidentally call the prince ‘Steffen’ when the maid yells for help. Just curious as to if you have a story with a ‘Prince Steffen’ character? I could not recall one.

I do want to say that The wild swans is also one of my favorite classics, and I thought you did it justice. The two alternate endings was different, but not bad. I do hope you choose one of those endings as an official piece to the puzzle so that the main characters can make an appearance in the great (forgive the pun) “battle royal” that you’ve got planned eventually!

I’m in the middle of writing a fairytale adventure myself because I would like to have more fun and clean stories out there like yours. Your stories are a pallet cleanser in the retelling genre’s world right now where so many think they have to make everything sexualized to be interesting. Thanks for keeping your books on a place where I wouldn’t be uncomfortable read them with my kids! Please keep them coming!

– Malia 😃


September 15, 2017 at 04:02 AM UTC

Yeppers, Megan (and you) are right in that Prince Steffen is from Wild Swans. The funny story behind that mistake is that I’ve been re-reading all the Timeless Fairytales in order to be able to write the main characters for the Summit, so I kept accidentally substituting Steffen’s name for Lucien. (Frog Prince will cover the entire Summit and really give us something to sink our teeth into, plot wise.)

Also, you are correct in thinking that I’m making some changes to the story. Part of it is the location/setting I wanted. (I knew I wanted Frog Prince to take place during the Summit, which has been set to take place at Severin and Elle’s Chateau since the start.) This meant Lucien couldn’t go to a new country to find his true love. Moreover, even if he could at this time there isn’t a princess that is available for him. The only princesses who aren’t spoken for are some of the 12 Dancing Princesses, and due to the timeline they are in the thick of their story so they couldn’t go to the Summit either.
Plus, to be honest, I’ve written about a lot of princesses, so I wanted to write about a regular girl again. 😉 There is more, but I’ll get into it when the story is finished and released. 😀 Hopefully you’ll still enjoy it!


September 14, 2017 at 10:02 PM UTC

Yes, I noticed the ‘Steffen’ mix-up too. He’s from Puss and Boots, and shows up in the Wild Swans as one of the cursed princes of Arcainia.


September 14, 2017 at 10:21 PM UTC

Oh yeah! I thought I’d read it before, but it’s been a while since I’ve read those books. Thanks! 😊


September 14, 2017 at 07:36 AM UTC

Yay! Cagney and Dooley, I always loved those two! Love Oskar, Kay, Zerah and I will always have a soft spot for Phile, Hunter, Harrison and Puss, they deserved the win. Random question, but I’ve always wanted to read the letter Raquel writes to Farrin (does she write one for Kai?) would you ever be willing to write that? Thanks! Waiting up for the next Retha book. XD


September 15, 2017 at 03:50 AM UTC

Oohhhh I’m not sure I could write out the letter Rakel made for Farrin–it would make me bawl. 😉
But I’m with you–I love/have a soft spot for all the winners. (Of course I have a soft spot for all the characters who made the list)
But I hope you enjoyed Desperate Quest! 😀 (I find it encouraging you liked the series enough to stay up for it!)


September 15, 2017 at 08:08 PM UTC

Darn, it was worth a try. 😀 And I really enjoyed Desperate Quest, getting around to that review (avid procrastinator here). And I almost forgot about the free chapter, once I saw the name I literally was like ‘Lucien!’ I literally fan-girled through the whole thing -and I don’t even like Lucien. I mean he’s soo annoying. But seriously can’t wait for the book, it seems like such a long time since we’ve had a new TFT.


September 14, 2017 at 06:17 AM UTC

The secondary character poll was a lot of fun!
I am SO excited for the upcoming Timeless Fairy Tales. However, the survey needs a Google account to access and I (and presumably other people) don’t have one. Can you put it in another format maybe?


September 15, 2017 at 03:48 AM UTC

Hey Rachelle, if you shoot me an email I can work something out for you! 🙂 (Use the contact form in the contact tab)

The Favorite Secondary Characters Poll: COMPLETE

After seven rounds and one final, immense battle between the best of the brightest of my secondary characters, we have a winner! Champions, the most favorite secondary characters who won with a whopping 185 votes are…Cagney and Dooley of Little Selkie!

In a very close second place with 174 votes was Puss of Puss in Boots. Phile the Robber Maiden of the Snow Queen Series snagged third with 160 votes, and Sir Kay of King Arthur took fourth with 142 votes.

In honorable mentions we have: Seer Ringali, 116 votes; Oskar, 99 votes; Lady/Queen Linnea, 95 votes; Zerah and the First Regiment of the Dragon Army with 90 votes; Harrison with 83 votes, the Lady of the Lake, 77 votes; and Hunter 74 votes.

There was a grand total of 1,918 votes–which means approximately 480 of you cast a ballot. It was pretty interesting to observe, because the winning characters’ vote counts weren’t as high as the winning characters of the various heats were, but that was because all the characters received a great amount of votes, and the competition was really fierce. (This is probably because we were pitting the most beloved against the most beloved.)

It was especially fun to see the different series represented in the winning characters and the honorable mentions. I wasn’t too surprised Cagney and Dooley took first–I knew when I put them on the same entry that I was stacking the odds in their favor–but I was especially glad that Puss gave them a serious run, particularly as there is only one puss and two of them! Phile, Sir Kay, and Seer Ringali ruling the other top places were a very fun surprise. (It’s a good sign when I have characters from other series landing in the top, and that the Timeless Fairy Tales didn’t completely trash everyone!)

A big thank you to everyone who voted–this was a really fun way to pass the summer and the perfect close out to the season.

In equally exciting news, right now I’m running a K. M. Shea Reader Survey. The survey is pretty short and asks you a few questions (ie: are you a KU subscriber, how did you find me, etc) that should only take you a few minutes to finish. It will help me learn more about the Champions as a group and will impact future marketing decisions and the general direction I decide to go in as an author. Naturally, I would really appreciate it if you would fill it out!

As a thank you for completing the survey, everyone who fills it out gets an unedited sample chapter (in a PDF) of the next Timeless Fairy Tale I’m currently writing! (And no, it’s not the 12 Dancing Princesses that will launch in December, but that unnamed fairy tale I’ve been teasing you guys with for a few weeks.)

If you want the sample chapter, fill out the survey, and then click submit at the bottom of the form. The next page–a short little thank you message–will pop up once your survey has been successfully submitted. The link to the PDF is in that thank you message!

I want to close out with another thank you to everyone who participated in the Secondary Character Poll. It was so fun to see how all the different characters were loved and appreciated. I hope you fill out the survey and enjoy the sample chapter! (I’ve been dying to discuss it!) Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

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