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February 12, 2016 at 06:17 PM UTC

Just discovered your books and I am loving them! I was in a book funk and your fun and inspiring books pulled me out of it. Also, I’m super impressed with how quickly you write these books, especially with how rich the characters and world’s you’ve created are….Amazing! I’ve read three books in two days…on to another :).


February 12, 2016 at 08:07 PM UTC

Thank you for your lovely compliments! For me, characters are the key to a good story, so I’m chuffed to know that you particularly enjoyed my crew and their world.

I hope you find the rest of my stories entertaining and fun! Thank you for reading. 🙂


February 09, 2016 at 08:00 PM UTC

I really appreciate this post! I’ve been wondering what the process is like to write, edit and publish a book and this has given me a better understanding. I would love to know more about the writing/planning process if you are up for writing another post(s) on it. Keep up the good work!


February 12, 2016 at 02:41 AM UTC

I’m glad you thought it was interesting! I will try to write about something similar in the future. 🙂


February 06, 2016 at 08:25 PM UTC

Love the picture!!!!?


February 09, 2016 at 03:10 AM UTC

Hahah, thank you! Most people who see my drawings describe my skills as…”stunning.” 😉


February 06, 2016 at 02:51 AM UTC

Next time someone tells me that authors don’t work hard I’m going to show them this.


February 09, 2016 at 03:14 AM UTC

Thank you! 🙂 I meet a lot of people who tend to think authors flop around on a couch and wait for inspiration to hit–which seems like less fun to me. I love writing, so the tight schedule works!


February 05, 2016 at 05:24 AM UTC

I am a huge fan of yours! I loved being able to learn a bit more about your writing and editing process, because now I can wait for “The Snow Queen” book two in patience, knowing that you are working hard on it. Also, could you please tell me the title of this new “Snow Queen” book? I would really appreciate that!


February 06, 2016 at 01:23 AM UTC

Thank you, I’m glad you thought it was a fun post! Sadly I can’t tell you the title for Snow Queen 2 because I’m still debating on it. (Titles and book descriptions are probably the most difficult writing decisions I make after the book is actually written.) I have a few ideas, but I’m waiting for input from my cover artist. 🙂 However, as soon as I have it finalized, I’ll post it on here!

Rachel Sears

February 03, 2016 at 06:44 AM UTC

Something to ponder. I love your stories and eagerly await the next one, but there is one typo that consistently jumps out at me and makes me lose the thread of the story because it makes no sense. To retch is to throw up or gag; a wretch is a miserable person, autocorrect does not know the difference.

I hope you don’t take this as overbearing, it’s meant sincerely to help.


February 03, 2016 at 08:35 PM UTC

Yeeeees, Editor #2 caught that with…I think it was Puss in Boots and the Snow Queen books.

Unfortunately I have not had the time to go back and edit all other 18 books to fix that. 🙁 That is perhaps the biggest problem with being prolific, I can’t keep up with editing my backlog. Thanks for letting me know, though!

The Life Cycle of a Book

Good news, Snow Queen 2 has finished is first round of edits with Editor #2, and it has already been sent back to her! I didn’t have to add/correct as much as usual, so I am hoping the rest of the edits won’t take long and we’ll be able to stick to a late February release. But on to today’s topic!

Occasionally when I talk to my friends about my job, I’ll bewilder them because I’ll mention releasing/editing one book, and starting another. Most people assume authors start with one book and stick with it from its conception to its launch day, but I’ve found that is an inefficient way for me to work. Today I thought I would shed some light on my work cycle so you can get a fell for my scheduling.

Before I get started writing, I’ve usually been chewing on the story idea for anywhere between a few months to a few years. Right now, in 2016, I’m already starting to think of characterization for books I won’t write until 2017. I try to play around with the stories and have fun long before I’m serious about them because it helps me work through a lot of character and plot ideas.

When I’m ready to commit myself to the story, I usually take a week to plot and plan out the book, and do any last-minute research. In example, for Heart of Ice I researched icebergs and unusual snow phenomena. For The Little Selkie I read up about marine life–particularly seals and sea lions.

The following week I begin writing. This usually takes two to three intense weeks. This is usually when I drop off the face of the planet online, and in real life. (After a full day of writing, I have the tendency to wander around, scruffy and half asleep.) I then usually need to take a few days off of the book to decompress–this is usually when I get caught up on my social media accounts and emails.

Me after writing a book. It's not a pretty sight.

Me after writing a book. It’s not a pretty sight.

The following week I work on editing–a process that can take a week to two weeks. The story will then get passed off to Editor #1, who will go over it for one to three weeks. In the meantime I’m usually editing an old piece of work, or getting another story ready to shine. For example, when Editor #1 was going over Heart of Ice, I was polishing Endeavor for its release. I will occasionally begin writing another book, but usually it’s a King Arthur book instead of a full length novel like a Timeless Fairy Tale. (Note: At this time Myrrhlynn usually gets to see a rough draft so she can begin brainstorming cover images.)

Editor #1 will send the book back to me, and I’ll take at least a week to go over her corrections, and then post it on to Editor #2. Editor #2 usually gets the novel for a month and a half. During that time we’ll pass the manuscript back and forth. The first edit is always the most intense, and usually any following edits are fine-tuning new or problematic scenes. While Editor #2 has the book I am either getting posts and contests lined up for its release, or I’m starting another project.

When Editor #2 is finished, I send it to Editor #1 for a final read-through. Genius Editor #1 usually finishes the final read-through in about a week. It takes me a day or two to make corrections, and then I send it to my final end-all reader: My mother. My mom reads through it in a weekend and lets me know about any typos or errors, then the book is ready to go!

When the book launches I spend the first week observing its reviews and notifying readers that it is available. If I didn’t have time to prepare blog posts about it, now is when I’ll write them, and prep for the following month’s newsletter. If I have everything prepped, then this is when I’m writing my next book.

I almost always balance between two books in the weeks leading up to a new book’s release. When Heart of Ice made its debut I was going over corrections Editor #1 suggested for Snow Queen 2. Now, as Snow Queen 2 is being combed over by Editor #2, I’m plotting and planning my next fairy tale, Swan Lake.

All in all, it usually takes about three to four months for a book to go from plotting to after-launch activities. My turn-around time used to be much shorter, but Editor #1 and #2 are worth their weight in gold, and the time it takes for them to correct my books are crucial. I get around the added time by beginning the writing process much sooner, so there won’t be a big gap between book releases.

And that is the life cycle of a book! Thank you for reading, Champions, I hope you have a lovely week!

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