It’s time to celebrate–you Champions unlocked the third Snow Queen extra: Arrivals. Arrivals is the first scene from Sacrifice, told from the viewpoint of Tenebris Malus. It’s a very interesting and revealing piece that let me reveal the backstory I made for Tenebris, that I never got the chance to explore.
I hope you guys enjoy it! It’s a little more shiver-inducing than heart-warming, but I really wanted to convey to you Champions what kind of a villain Tenebris was.
In other news, on Tuesday I got a chance to hang out on the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Marketing Podcast with hosts Lindsay Buroker, Joe Lallo, and Jeff Poole. They are an awesome and hilarious trio, which is good because I was petrified for about 99% of the interview. You can tell by how quickly and how LOUDLY I talk. Ugh. I really dislike talking about myself to begin with (so knowingly recording a podcast brings me to terror level eight out of ten) but I’m also a longtime listener of the podcast and I really admire Lindsay, Joe, and Jeff, so that sent my fright level to Godzilla Invasion. (See again speed and volume at which I talk!)
The podcast is meant to help newbie authors, so we’re mostly talking shop (Think marketing, writing for a niche like fairy tales, etc) although I do moon over you Champions on a few occasions. If you are interested in listening to my terrified babble, here’s a link to the podcast! (If you visit, please tell ’em I sent you!)
I know a lot of you have left comments on my blog, and I really want to get back to you, but I’m currently away from my office and I’m using snail speed internet, so I’m going to wait to respond until tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope you find the new extra enlightening! Thanks for reading, Champions, and thank you for leaving such amazing reviews. (It’s obviously not because I am a charismatic person. Seriously, uuuggghhhh! I debated not sharing the podcast with you guys because I sound like Mickey Mouse!) I hope you guys reach 100 reviews as fast as you reached 75–the next freebie is about Oskar, and I’ve had this written since I started planning Heart of Ice!