Fabulous news, Trial of Magic (The Fairy Tale Enchantress #4) is now available in paperback!
I owe a huge thank you to Meg–my rock-star-assistant–and DDD–the cover designer for the Fairy Tale Enchantress series for making this happen. Prepping Trial of Magic for paperback was pushed back when I had my surgery, but Meg and DDD pulled through and made it happen in a much shorter timeline than usual. Um…in fair warning…this book is so long it’s going to practically be a brick in printed form, so clear out some space on your shelves!
If you’re hoping to get this book in time for Christmas, I’d suggest you order as quickly as possible! Since Amazon prints my books, it sometimes takes longer for them to process the orders, especially during the holiday season. (I’m putting an order in myself, but since they’re very slow with author copies I’d be shocked if I got them by mid January. Thankfully it shouldn’t take nearly so long for you, Champions!)
That’s all for tonight! Thanks for reading, Champions, and stay tuned for more Christmas goodies and news about Pack of Dawn and Destiny!