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Valentine’s Winners

First of all, I realized that I need to rethink my contest strategy. It was so difficult choosing the winners of this contest, I don’t even want to think about it. I spent hours on this, Champions. Hours! You are all so creative, and the poems were filled with laughter, sweetness, sorrow, and imagination! Choosing the winners was like being asked to choose my favorite snowflake. They’re all so beautiful! But, alas, I had to choose. I did buck my rules and selected seven winners instead of three, and I have a very nice, long list of talented poets who garnered an honorable mention/shout out. As a side note I  use first names only because I am paranoid on all my Champions’ behalf. You never know if there’s an internet bot lurking in the shadows….

The five winners who will receive a free K. M. Shea ebook of their choosing are…

  1. Briana: Her heart-wrenching poem about an older couple in the hospital had me crying like a baby

  2. Hazel: She wrote a clever that made me snicker and aptly described why I am always so happy for Valentine’s Day to come!

  3. Jillee: Her beautiful poem explored what love is to her. It is beautiful and warm–like a warm blanket on a snowy day!

  4. Belinda: Her funny poem was for all of us single ladies, and perfectly targeted my greed as I waited for discount chocolate on February 15!

  5. Annabeth: Who had a beautifully formatted, thought provoking poem questioning the actions of Valentine’s Day. (Now that you mention it, violets are purple!)

  6. Katie: Whose sweet poem hits on the feelings of the girls everywhere who are waiting for their future love.

  7. Emily: She played the ultimate trick and merged the world of romance and books into the same poem, in two lines. Well done!

And now for the honorable mentions: Tricia–my fellow horse-hearted reader who entered a fun poem with an innovative look at significant others! I agree, who needs a prince when they have the white horse already?Abigail–for her austere poem and the vivid picture it painted, great use of words too! Cleo–for her brief but powerful poem. (Four lines and you squeeze my heart and make me want to hug you, that has got to be a record, girlie!) Madison–for being my best-poet-friend, although  your poem was playful and clever in playing off mine so you’re still better! Sophie–for her sweet poem and bright imagery, which absolutely belongs in a REAL Valentine! Jessica–for her delightfully funny entry that had me laughing immediately–Cupid IS stupid! Kathryn–for what is hands down the most adorable entry written for her by her sweet daughter. Clearly you are a special mom! Zoey–for her brief but very appropriate Valentine’s  Day poem that perfectly set the tone for the day! Colleen–for rocking her poem with Rumpelstiltskin as her subject, and as a haiku no less! Bravo, haiku’s are tough! Destiny–for her spot on portrayal of how I feel when I’m around the uber affectionate/pawing-at-each-other couples on Valentine’s Day. Next year, I’m going to hang out with you in the library! Maya–for her clever poem that achieved such a perfect-twist ending, that I hope next year she writes a sequel! (Poor Mr. Brown!) Zoe–for her heart-felt poem that evoked both hope and a little bit of sadness. Elizabeth–for her thoughtful, evoking poem that perfectly describes love! Laura–for her creative, lighthearted poem about reading Princess Ahira on Valentine’s Day. This poem was a delight to read! Janet–for her sweet, sweet poem about her and her husband. This one garnered a boatload of Awww’s from me. I hope your Valentine’s day was special! Georgia–for her poems–the first filled with powerful, glittering words, and the second being clever and fun. They were so fun to read!

I complied a list of the winners’ and honorable mentions’ poems and put them in a PDF file for you guys to read. (CLICK HERE to see the file!) The poet’s name is in bold, and their entry is listed directly after. The poems aren’t listed in a particular order, it’s just the order in which I found them in my email. Sadly the beautiful formatting of a few entries didn’t transfer over, I apologize for that!

Thank you, Champions, for your superb poems! It really was so hard to choose, and I had just a delightful time reading all the entries. It’s so fun to see how creativity blazes through all of us. Have a great day, and thank you for reading!

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