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Vote, vote, vote, vote! Please!

This is the FINAL CALL for CHAMPIONS’ CHOICE. If you want to vote for the book (Life Reader, My Life at the MBRC, or Red Rope of Fate) you would most like  to see a sequel to, please use the contact form in the above post and tell me pronto! Voting closes tomorrow, Thursday, April 3.

The vote count is…

  1. Life Reader: 26

  2. My Life at the MBRC: 34

  3. Red Rope of Fate: 13

It appears that My Life at the MBRC may win, but don’t hold your breath. There’s been two instances since I opened voting in which Life Reader gets a huge downpour of votes and pulls ahead for a few days. One never knows, so vote now!

As for my “exciting” news of the day, I’ve been reading a lot of health articles that have been preaching how great taking 10,000 steps per day is for a person. Being that I am a sedentary person, the idea of walking instead of doing something insane, like running (BLECK), interests me. However, I have no idea what kind of distance that is, so I looked to the great and mighty internet for help. It recommended a few mobile apps that work as pedometers. I installed one on my ipod and intend to test it out this afternoon. Stay tuned for more pedometer/lazy person news, and, more importantly, for the outcome of CHAMPIONS’ CHOICE! Thanks for reading.

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