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Welcome to Sheacon 2021–schedule, goodies, and more!

It’s here! Sheacon 2021 has arrived–and we are going to have such a blast! Here is the official Sheacon schedule, which includes all panels, Drawing with a Twist sessions, and more! ALL TIMES ARE IN CENTRAL!

Friday (today!) August 6th: 5 PM Drawing with a Twist 6 pm Opening Ceremonies 7 pm The Fantasy Author Panel with panelists: Deborah Grace White, Tara Grayce, Sarah K. L. Wilson, Kimberly A. Rogers, and Julie Hall! 8 pm Retha and Dragons #1 9 pm Lord of the Rings Online Watch 10 pm Drawing with a Twist 11 pm Author interview of W.R. Gingell with me as the host!

Saturday August 7th: 6 am Drawing with a Twist 8 am Retha and Dragons #2 11 am Kitty Q&A Panel 1 pm Retha and Dragons #3 1:30 pm Vintertainment 3 pm Drawing with a Twist 4 pm The Fairy Tales Panel with authors: Camille Peters, A.G. Marshall, Allison Tebo, S.R. Nulton, and J. M. Stengl! 6 pm Drawing with a Twist 7 pm Celebrity Retha and Dragons Kitty, A.G. Marshall, RayJay, and Vin

Sunday August 8th: 3 am Retha and Dragons #4 5 am Drawing with a Twist 12 pm Kitty TFT/FTE Spoiler Q&A 3 pm Art Panel MyrrhLynn and RayJay 4 pm Retha and Dragons #5 5 pm Drawing with a Twist 7 pm Champion Trivia Panel Kitty 8 pm Closing Ceremonies

For anytime activities there will be a riddles channel, a KM Shea Bingo channel (My, my, my that should be interesting), a puzzle channel, a channel devoted specifically to art/cosplay, readalongs, and so much more! Last year everyone beat me black and blue in the riddles channel. I aspire to make it different this year, but I have my doubts I’ll succeed. Maybe bingo will be my thing??

To attend Sheacon 2021, you first need to join the KM Shea community discord server. You can do that here! Once you join, look for the “Sheacon 2021” channel. The Sheacon Planners will officially open up Sheacon 2021 by posting a link to the Sheacon’s exclusive server in that channel this afternoon. (If you are having problems finding any of this, you can ask for help in any of the channels, and your fellow Champions will gladly come to your aid!)

And wow, do we have the most epic goodie bag to share with you! (Note: All of this AND MORE!!! is available in the “Goodie Bag” channel on the Sheacon 2021 official server.)

From me, you can grab the Red Rope of Fate ebook for FREE if you’re in the mood for an elven love story with magical, soul-deep connections, and Apprentice of Magic is still on sale for 99 cents, so if you haven’t snagged it up yet, this is your chance!

FREE – Elves of Lessa #1: Red Rope of Fate: | All other Amazon stores 99 cents – Fairy Tale Enchantress #1: Apprentice of Magic: | All other stores 

Also, Olena made a set of beautiful, commemorative coloring pages for us–thanks to the Sheacon Planners for suggesting the Champion theme!

Click here for the Sheacon 2021 Coloring page PDF, and Click Here for the KM Shea Champions PDF!

Download these to either color digitally, or print them off! Please share them with anyone you know who might enjoy them! 😉

Now, for the many goodies our generous panelists are offering….

Deborah Grace White has two books available for free–Heir of the Curse (The Kyona Chronicles #1) which is a fantasy series with DRAGONS and Kingdom of Beauty (The Kingdom Tales #1) which is her series of awesome fairy tale retellings! But snag these fast! Kingdom of Beauty is only free through August 7th!!

Heir of the Curse: (The Kyona Chronicles #1): Free August 6-8th Kingdom of Beauty (The Kingdom Tales #1): Free August 3rd – 7th

The queen of adventures with a snap of fairy tale, AG Marshall has put Princess of Shadows up for free!

Princess of Shadows : FREE August 6th – 10th The Grandmother with Enormous Eyes: a Free short story on AG’s website!

S. R. Nulton is a gem of a fairy tale reteller with a fun and playful style, and she’s got a deal just for you!

The Salamander Prince: FREE August 6th – 8th!

Urban fantasy lovers, you are in for a treat! My author pal, Haley Ryan, couldn’t come to Sheacon, but she sent goodies, anyway! The first book of this complete trilogy is free, and it contains one snarky, book-hoarding dragon shifter, a secretive winged assassin, danger, mystery, good tea, and a found family that never hesitates to fight for each other.

Dragon Chained: FREE August 6th – 10th!

If you’re in the mood for some elves, epic fights, and romance, Tara Grayce has you covered!

Fierce Heart (Elven Alliance #1) is FREE August 6th – 8th

Tara also is offering her NEWEST BOOK, Stolen Midsummer Bride, on sale for 99 cents! Get it! Get it now!!

Up next we’ve got Kimberly Rogers–who has created an intriguing supernatural world and has books stuffed with plenty of action! She is holding a massive sale on one of her series!

You can grab Leopard’s Heart (The Therian Way #1) for FREE, and Wolf’s Path (#2) and Tiger’s Strength (#3) for 99 cents each, all from August 6th-8th! Kimberly has also put up Threats by Numbers (Rogue Spotter #1) for FREE, and Flights by Numbers (#2) and Trials by Numbers (#3) are 99 cents each!

WR Gingell–Empress of writing fae worlds and series that suck you in–also has a book for free right now!

Playing Hearts is FREE until the 8th! Here’s the Amazon link, but it is available on Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and itunes as well!

For more fairytale fun we’ve got the classy Allison Tebo, who is putting all three of her fairy tales on sale for 99 cents each!

The Reluctant Godfather: 99 cents August 6th – 8th A Royal masquerade: 99 cents August 6th – 8th Poppy’s Peril: 99 cents August 6th – 8th

J.M. Stengl has a delightful fairy tale to share, too!

Cinder Ellie: Free August 6 – 8th

Sarah K. L. Wilson has an unbeatable offer for those of you who love audio books!

Finally, fan favorite Camille Peters is closing our goodies list out with a fairy tale we all love!

Enchantment is FREE August 6th – 8th Camille is also offering the first book of her Dream World Chronicles, Dreamer, for free from August 6th – 8th! Click here to get it!

Additionally, some of the authors are offering special giveaways, and Julie Hall, author of the extremely popular Fallen Legacies series, is joining us as well! All of this fun starts TODAY, so come on down to the Sheacon 2021 Discord server to join us!


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