Reign of Magic has had a smashing release, the launch fun is all over, so naturally you Champions are wondering what I’m writing next. Unfortunately, at this point my answer is “I don’t know.” And I’ve decided I’m not going to start on my next book until January.
Part of this is because I am throwing another Christmas event this year–which takes time to prepare–and I have another event I’m planning for in January that I need to work ahead on as well. But some of it is just that I’m really, really tired, and my physical and emotional health took a real beating during Reign of Magic, so before I write any more Enchantress books I really need to recover.
I know the rest of the Fairy Tale Enchantress series is going to take longer to write, and I really don’t like the idea of leaving Second Age of Retha fans out for so long. But that series is almost as complicated as Angelique’s series, and at this point I mentally can’t handle that, so I also don’t know when the next Retha book will come.
Once I stop feeling like an anxiety-ridden squirrel whose tail got run over by a truck, I will try to create a plan for next year. And in the meantime I’ve been prepping for Christmas, I may have written another Retha short story, and I’ve got a few surprises up my sleeve for 2020.
Thank you so much for your patience and support, Champions. All of you are so incredible, and I love our community so much! I’ll get through this, and in the meantime we’ll have some fun! Thanks for reading, and have a lovely week!