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What’s Coming in 2020?

The cat’s out of the bag about Hall of Blood and Mercy and its seven week launch, so now I can finally clear up on what to expect for the rest of the year.

As some of you noticed, I didn’t hold my annual Hero Poll. Worry not! It’s still coming, I’m just rearranging my schedule this year!

Let’s start with New Books.

As you know, you’re getting an urban fantasy trilogy–Magic Forged, Magic Redeemed, Magic Unleashed–this February, March, and April.

Next, I hope to start working on Book # 3 of the Elves of Lessa.

Those books will take me through spring and summer to complete, so I’ll hopefully begin writing Trial of Magic (Fairy Tale Enchantress # 4) in late summer with a December release as the latest-possible time you can expect to get it. (That might sound like a while, but the Fairy Tale Enchantress series is a beast to write and a beast to edit, so the whole process takes at least double the amount of time of a regular book.) This brings us to….

Summer of Polls!

Since Trial of Magic is the last timeline intensive book that will be a…well…trial, instead of doing a summer reading event this year we’re going to have a summer of polls! We’ll have the Annual Hero and Heroine Poll, but we’ll also have a poll for secondary characters, and favorite animal sidekicks! (There are A LOT of secondary characters, so there will be a lot of polls!)

As far as additional events go, as usual around December you can expect a Christmas event, and hopefully we get to do some fun stuff with the return to Lessa and when we return to Angelique. Don’t take the planned writing times as 100% set in stone–a lot of it depends on me (aka if I or Perfect Dog gets sick, I lose WEEKS of writing time)–but also how complex the stories are and how quickly I can work through them. This is my ideal but reasonable schedule, and hopefully I’ll be able to keep to it!

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