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What’s Happening

I figured it was about time to give you Champions a community update on what’s happening in both my schedule, and what I have planned for the summer!

Currently, I’m still writing Trial of Magic. I’m sorry to say (for my own sake, I suspect most of you will be happy) that Trial of Magic is probably going to be just as long as Reign of Magic.

For reference, Reign of Magic was about 160,000 words. All of the Court of Midnight and Deception books were in the 93,000 to 98,000 range. Most of my fairy tales are approximately 75,000. So, Trial will basically be more than two fairy tales in length.

I’m still on target for a mid/late summer release, but it will reeeaaalllyyy depend on this month and if I can get it entirely written! I already know editing is going to take a while, mostly because of all the fact checking I will have to do for….reasons. (Hahah, only partially kidding! Part of it is that I have to make sure I cover everything I need to in the middle section of this book.)

Later this month I’m going to have a big sale on the MBRC complete series boxset! I’ll make announcements and post it everywhere when the time comes so you don’t have to worry about missing it.

This summer we are NOT doing the polls. For any new Champions, I typically have 3 polls that I hold every year (Favorite KM Shea/AM Hero, Favorite Heroine, and a special poll where you can all vote for the specific kinds of heroes you’d like to see in future books!). Last year we did a whole slew of them for favorite animal sidekicks, favorite couple, and favorite secondary couple. But we don’t have time for that this summer.

Instead, we decided to go all in on the Fairy Tale Enchantress/Timeless Fairy Tale series! As I mentioned in a previous post, the TFT series will be getting paperback covers that match their ebook covers, we’re going to do a massive sale on TFT as well, and we’re going to have a little reading challenge to prep you for Trial of Magic!

But that’s not all… I also have a secret project I’m working on–it’s not a new book, sadly–that I’m hoping will provide some extra fun! And in the background I’m also going to be getting some Second Age of Retha stuff going–as I announced in the newsletter I plan to have emblems made up for the various guilds in the game, and I’m working on a glossary as well.

WHEW, I think that’s everything that we–the KM Shea Team, that is–have going on for the next few months. It’s going to be busy! A big thanks to the KM Shea team–Meg, Myrrhlynn, Vin, and our Discord mods SuperRog and Mythical Cat–for all their help! (Editors and cover artists too, obviously, but these guys are working their tails off right now as we’re trying frantically to prep for everything!)

Thanks for reading, Champions, and I hope you have a fantastic week!

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