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What’s New?

With The Wild Swans off to be edited, I have a bit of free time on my hands. I’ve mostly been using this time (this time being the past 24 hours) to finish up some of the business aspects of writing, but I’ve also been looking for inspiration for the next book I plan to release. (No details on that one yet as my plans for the book are barely penciled in.) So, I decided today is a good day to play another round of “Getting to Know Me.”

Favorite movies? I will admit it. I’m a big fan of kids movies. Mulan, Sword in the Stone, Up (pretty much all the Disney animated movies and Pixar films if I’m being honest), Princess Diaries, and Chronicles of Narnia are among my favorites. My most beloved movie is How to Train Your Dragon. Yes, it’s weird that I love a kids’ movie with as much passion as I do. I also like adult movies, though! Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, National TreasureThe Lake House, The Blind Side, and RED are among my favorite “adult” movies. It seems narrow, but I do have a pretty wide taste. Show anything funny, filled with adventure, and a dash of romance and I’m there.

Are you a coffee or tea person? Both. Ish. I love pretty much any kind of black tea or green tea. I enjoy a good cup of white tea as well, but sometimes those taste more like  seeped weeds than tea. I love iced coffee drinks. (Think McCafe Java Chip) I love the scent of brewed coffee, but I don’t fancy drinking it straight. If I’m having a hard time staying awake a cup of tea and a cookie will usually do the trick.

Any new authors out there who have grasped your attention? Well… they’re new to me. I just read two books by Merrie Haskell, The Princess Curse and The Handbook for Dragonslayers. Loved them! I also recently read Wonder by R. J. Palacino. It was another great read.

Have any authors influenced your writing? If so, who? That’s a tough question. My short answer is yes. The slightly longer answer is that certain authors have influenced aspects of my writing. For instance, when it comes to the romance department Jane Austen was the greatest influence. While my characters have more physical contact than Austen’s, I really appreciate her idea of an emotional/mental connection rather than a physical connection. J. K. Rowling and Gail Levine (Ella Enchanted) taught me that books can be clever and humorous. And… they aren’t really writers… but as much as I am at loathe to admit it, the cartoon version of The Justice League was a major help when it came to figuring out action scenes. Yeah. I am a nerd.

Remember to vote for CHAMPIONS’ CHOICE by April 3! Time is running out!! Thanks for reading, Champions, and have a lovely day.

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