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Writing Tips: Death to Poor Punctuation

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything for budding writers, and in my quest to rid myself of poor punctuation in The Wild Swans I found several helpful websites I would like to share.

Writing Tips Death to Poor Punctuation

Clout of the Comma: Zomygawsh I need this. CotC exclusively deals with commas. It doesn’t really explain the usage of commas as it finds examples and shows you the wrong way and the right way to punctuate the sentence. If you understand the rules of the comma but have a hard time making the jump to applying the rules to your writing, this blog will ease the transition by giving you more examples than you have time to read.

Grammar Cop: Grammar Cop is sort of the “Dear Abby” for the grammar/punctuation puzzled. Readers write in with their questions and Grammar Cop answers. Being that it is reader fueled, Grammar Cop is a great resource because it answers tricky things that aren’t addressed in your typical grammar/punctuation book.

Grammar Girl: I stumbled on Grammar Girl’s blog/article database while looking for information on comma splices. Out of all the sites I have listed here, GrammarGirl is the most recommended and highest rated. She tackles one topic, like comma splices, per article. She is a great resource for grammar and punctuation.

Grammar&Punctuation: I will fess up, I haven’t had a chance to take a deep look at this blog. However, it was recommended by the same people/places that recommended Grammar Girl, so I’m inclined to think it’s a good resource.

If you’re looking for a break from the shame and correcting, check out DailyWritingTips‘ list of “Punctuation Protector” blogs. The blogs take a sarcastic/snarky look at poorly used punctuation. My favorite was the “Blog” of “Unnecessary” quotes. Thanks for reading, Champions. Have a glorious day!

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