Thanks to the Gate of Myth and Power series quite a few new Champions have been added to our forces! I’ve noticed many of you asking on Discord/Facebook what you should read after finishing Noctus + Chloe’s trilogy so I decided to make an official blog post about this topic.
My #1 Recommendation: This isn’t an actual book but make sure you’ve read all the bonus short stories I’ve written for the Gate of Myth and Power characters. The full list is on the Magiford freebies and extra page. I had so much fun writing these shorts as I really had a chance to let the side characters show off their humor. And the Surviving Magiford short story works great as a prequel so it’s perfect to read if you are trying to blackmail convince a friend to try this series. Ok, now I’ll switch to actually recommending books!
My#2 Recommendation: Read all the other Magiford series if you haven’t already as all of them are connected in some way to the Gate of Myth and Power series. Here, I’ll tell you a little about each one:
If you like Vampires or Wizards start with the Hall of Blood and Mercy series where you will meet the scrappy wizard Hazel who is on the run for her life and is taken in by the deadliest vampire (and his family) in the Midwest.
If you like stories starring Fae or if you want to see more of the Paragon then make sure to read the Court of Midnight and Deception trilogy. Join the reluctant Fae Queen Leila and her assassin consort (marriage of convenience is one of my favorite tropes and I got to include it in this series, yay!)
And finally, if you’d like more werewolves, or if you really liked the Elves versus Shadows dynamic, then check out Pack of Dawn and Destiny. Pip is an werewolf hunter who teams up with the Alpha of the pack she lives with to take down those who are trying to attack their pack and town.
My #3 Recommendation: I mentioned this earlier, but the Magical Beings’ Rehabilitation Center series, and go for the complete boxset which is currently on super sale right now! This paranormal series is in a different “world” than the Magiford books but it’s packed with some of the craziest characters I’ve written (and my best Twilight jokes!). The main character is in high school but it’s not a typical YA supernatural story and Morgan strives to keep a level head through as she quickly realizes every paranormal franchise has lied to her! I loved mixing the magical with the mundane in this series and it’s a world of mobster goblins, over-caffeinated hobgoblins, hemophobic vampires, mermaid receptionists, a baby dragon named Doggy, and don’t forget the mysterious and to-handsome-for-his-own-good Pooka named Devin.
My #4 Recommendation: If you are willing to try something that isn’t paranormal/urban fantasy then I have several series you could potentially choose from, so I suggest you take my Book Matchmaking Quiz to receive a targeted suggestion for what to read next. But here’s some really quick ideas to get you started:
If you want another fantasy series that has a more modern setting then try my Second Age of Retha series in which hundreds of players are stuck in a video game and need to break their way out before the game crashes. (You do NOT need to know or like video games to enjoy the series. Think of it as if a modern young woman got stuck in Middle Earth from Lord of the Rings with a bunch of her friends, that’s the kind of setting in this story.)
If you would rather go for an Epic Fantasy read then I suggest you try The Snow Queen trilogy which has both fairytale romance and magic fueled battles.
If you want Epic Fantasy but more romance then go for the Elves of Lessa, which is a series of standalones Epic Fantasy Romance books.
If you want more action read King Arthur and Her Knights, which retells the traditional story of King Arthur only my “Arthur” is a time traveling modern woman who Merlin convinces to play the part of the young King. IMPORTANT: There is no love triangle in this series, and on a personal note I HATE LANCELOT. This feeling is reflected deeply in my writing.
Of if you like fairy tales I have an 11 book series of standalone (but related) stories that is just what you are looking for! The Timeless Fairy Tales series has everything from Disney favorites (like Beauty and the Beast) to lesser know stories (like The Twelve Dancing Princesses) and many Champions have read them out of order so you can start with your favorite fairytale and go from there.
Whew, that was a lot, but I hope it helped! We still have one last Character Profile to go over (the long awaited Noctus!) and then I’ll be talking about what’s next for Magiford, so stay tuned and thanks for reading!